Enjoy the camaraderie with other Vets. Hear about the services you earned and deserve.
Date; dec 3 rd first friday of every month
location: hull life saving museum 781-925-5433
1117 Nantasket ave hull 02045
time; 9-10:30 am the HLM will be closed to the public
Membersip: free membersips and certificates for vets to HLM
- District attorney Cruz speaking on community outreach to vets
- Vickey buttler Plymouth county ourtreach substance abuse programs for vets
Exibit : coast guard history
Holiday gifts; please bring stocking stuffers for brockton VA hospital patients ; gift drop off is on dec 19th
snacks; provided
contact; wolfie, Craig wolfe ; 781-771-6416
Request from VA brockton hostital for gifts
hoodies,slippers,gift cards,for men and women